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Role: Programmer / Designer

Software used: Unity, Aseprite, Github

When: October - November 2020

Team Size: 4

Organization: CSCI426 - Game Prototyping


I made this project in CSCI426 - Game Prototyping. In Game Prototyping, you create 8 total prototypes with a partner, then the class selects 6 prototypes to polish in teams of 4. My prototype got selected and this is the product. My role was programming core features and mechanics, iterating upon the design through internal playtests, and doing the UI and enemy art.



This project went rather smoothly, with all of the features we set out to add being completed within the two week timeframe. This attests to the importance of concentric design, as the prototype was selected to be polished due to the solid core gameplay loop. This foundation allowed further features to be added smoothly and if there was a problem with any feature added, we know our core loop is solid so we would know where to start to solve that problem.



Original Prototype: the prompt was discrete vs continuous movement (so we combined both)


Late in the game


Main Menu

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