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Role: Designer

Software used: Unity, Perforce

When: April 2020 - Now (Ongoing)

Team Size: 23

Organization: USC Games


Corporate Clash is a mobile game where you play as a CEO in the year 2250 who must meet the demands of many stakeholder groups.

My duties as a designer include designing and iterating upon game mechanics and conducting and analyzing playtest feedback, both internal and external. My initial role on the team also included being an artist and UI designer in addition to designer, where I made all the art and UI mockups in addition to the initial game design that allowed the project to be greenlit by USC Advanced Games Projects. I primarily work in Unity and use Perforce for version control on a large team, with 4 engineers and 2 other designers. 



This project has taught me the dangers of overscoping and the importance of concentric design, as throughout the production of the project, we have cut a huge number of features and even completely pivoted the game halfway through production, throwing out huge chunks of work that we had done. This has also taught me how to deal with such obstacles and understand when and why "killing your darlings" is necessary to make a better end product.



Screenshot 2021-05-04 015145.png
Screenshot 2021-05-04 015119.png
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